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NIOA hosts Defence in Business

8 October 2021

NIOA was pleased to welcome Defence in Business (DiB) to our Brisbane facility on Wednesday, 6 October. DiB is Australia's largest community of active and former serving members dedicated to fostering networking, mentoring and career opportunities. The group participated in a presentation on NIOA’s history and impressive programs of work, including the Land 17 Future Artillery Program, Land 159 lethality Systems Program and extensive munitions manufacturing work being undertaken at the Government-Owned; Contractor Operated (GOCO) Benalla Facility and in the soon to be commissioned Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions artillery forge in Maryborough. The group were also able to hear first hand from several of NIOA’s exceptional staff, including Keith Grundy (Armoury-Workshop), Eve Pauga (Warehouse) and Greg Toms (100m indoor range).