Projects Weapon Sustainment

NIOA, as a Prime Support Contractor (PSC), supports a range of weapon systems currently in use across Defence, including the General Dynamics (GD-OTS) Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher acquired under LAND 40-2.

Sustainment of these weapons fleets involves working closely with the Armament Systems Program Office of the Department of Defence, providing technical and inventory support as well as ongoing management of parts, obsolescence, and associated catalogue data. NIOA's support also includes engineering and maintenance management through to high-grade repair where necessary.

The NIOA sustainment team manages the demand and replenishment of associated weapon system parts and accessories at Primary Support Units (PSU’s) and Joint Logistics Units (JLU’s) via specialised software on the Defence Secure Network.

The objective is to maintain weapon system availability and therefore planned capability across Defence.

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