
NIOA takes pride in knowing that the equipment supplied to our Law Enforcement and Government customers is of the highest standard. We offer Law Enforcement and Government agencies access to state-of-the-art weapon systems, with onsite armourers and an indoor firing range equipped with industry-leading engineering testing equipment, including high-resolution cameras and ballistic gelatine. Utilizing this equipment, we ensure all quality assurance testing is completed in our Brisbane facility, so you can rest assured knowing the weapon systems we provide are tried and tested.

Our customer service extends well beyond the delivery of a weapon system. NIOA fully supports the weapon systems we deliver by holding spares in-country, while our experts offer operator, armourer, and maintainer training, armory, and maintenance services, as well as engineering and test facilities support.

The Office is staffed from 0830 – 1700 - Monday to Friday so give the team a call to see what’s available.

Call Us: 07 3621 9955 or Email Us: govtsales@nioa.com.au

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