Accessories Delta P Design


Delta P specialise in short, fully functional sound and flash suppressors. However, they are not just another suppressor company. Their products are designed to create new paradigms rather than just compete.

Contact our knowledgeable team on 07 3621 9955 or email for more information.

Brevis II Suppressor Range

3.7 inches Long

  • Brevis II 5.56 NATO Rifle Suppressor
  • Brevis II Ultra 5.56 NATO Rifle Suppressor

5.5 Inches Long

  • Brevis II 7.62MM Rifle Suppressor
  • Brevis II Ultra 7.62MM Rifle Suppressor
  • Brevis II Ultra 6.5MM Rifle Suppressor
  • Brevis II Ultra 8.6MM Rifle Suppressor (.338Lapua)


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