Tactical Equipment Patriot3


Patriot3 is an American-owned small business that began operations in Quantico, Virginia in May 2000. It provides specialised equipment for the special forces and law enforcement worldwide. Today, Patriot3 is comprised of four divisions that include ballistic products, elevated tactics systems, maritime and kinetics. Next Generation products that offer unprecedented capability with ease of operation.

Contact our knowledgeable team on 07 3621 9955 or email govtsales@nioa.com.au for more information.

P3E – Elevated Tactics – Ramp Systems

MARS – Mobile Adjustable Ramp System

Dual, side by side hydraulic ramps allow for simultaneous elevated access at varying heights.

P3 E MARS hero

LIBERATOR – Lightweight Single ramp system

ARC – Articulating Ramp Conversion
Operates as a standard deck surface or as a stairway.

Raid – Rescue Access Intervention Deployment
A complete package that includes a customised, heavy-duty jump out van with a liberator, side assault system and side deployment rail. Supports a team of up to 10 operators.

OSR Off Set Ramp
Designed to be high access, lightweight elevated tactics system for MRAPs and other similar style medium-heavy vehicles that cannot accept the weight of a MARS system.

P3B – Ballistics

Lightweight, mobile ballistic products and shields. All ballistic materials used in Patriot3 products are made in the USA and independently tested to ensure they meet or exceed NIJ Standard requirements.

Folding Ballistic Shields 

Ballistic Entry Shields

Personal Ballistic Blanket

Articulating Ballistic Barriers


  • Ladder Shields 
  • Xtreme Protection Mobile Bunker
  • Protective Barrier Systems
  • Multi-Purpose Tactical Ladders
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